Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ahhh, Earth Day

Leaves of Bloodroot
slowly unfurl, their blooms
of white happily shine in the sun

Scillias of azure blue abuzz
teased open by bees
thirsty, longing for nourishment

Nails short and ragged
clogged with rich black earth,
a gardeners’ badge of honour

Robins follow freshly turned soil
listening, watching for a sign
of twisting movement

Pale green leaves shoot upward
buds of Daffies, tender to the touch
patiently wait for a cloudy day

Juncos perform two steps forward
one step back, digging
for winters leftover seeds

Spent Hydrangea heads
crumpled, cast aside
cover the ground with confetti

Over wintered compost
natures black gold, dug out
to replenish tired beds

Muddy shoes lined up
on the garden bench to dry
soles skyward, warming in the sun

While the tired and dirty gardener
eases back onto her throne
relaxed with face to the sun, she smiles

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Robins sing vespers

Robins sing vespers
giving thanks for warm earth
bountiful with food and substance
after a nourishing spring rain.

Mosaic orbs in the garden pulsate
in a kaleidoscope of colours
as the sun sets on another day,
while Robins sing vespers.

Crumpled leaves blow
twirling in the cool breeze
only to set sail on The Ponds surface,
while Robins sing vespers.

Quarter moon wrapped
in the Da Vinci glow
as it has for thousands of years,
while Robins sing vespers.

Spring has arrived this gentle eve
slowly, assuredly, at her own pace
life is refreshed, renewed,
and Robins sing vespers…