I see you my wee friend floating amongst curled leaves upon autumns’ water, your skin so dark from the murkiness of a leave filled pond. Those leaves will remain to protect you and your kin over the coming winter for the Almanac forecasts a long and cold season. I see the glint in your blackened eyes staring back at me, pondering your approaching hibernation as I surely am. This warm sunny day reminds me of summer while I watched you and your family be yourselves filling this heart with happiness knowing I had created a safe haven, a haven for you and for me where I could forget the worries and strife of live and relish in the moment. Those moments are now locked in my mind only to resurface with smiles when the deadness of winter knocks on the door. As I watch your eyes slowly close while you fight the season, remember this my wee friend I shall unearth you in spring tenderly wipe sand, mouldy leaves off you and your kin and we will once again rejoice in the happiness we gave each other.
Like your favorite flooded cave, your kindness is deep. You have a strong work ethic and are not afraid to hop to it to get the job done. Far from a flaky frog, you don’t jump to conclusions. Ever since you were a tadpole, you’ve been easygoing and likeable and are a good leader without being mossy, so other frogs lean on you without knowing it. Thanks to Michelle at Rambling Woods :)
Tsk tsk tsk
My Ponderings
Ponderings From The Pond are from this mind. Photos are views from my lenses unless noted. I retain copyright on my words and my photos and may not be replicated elsewhere without prior written permission. Ponderings from prompts are acknowledged.