This story begins on a chilly October Saturday in 2010. I was preparing dinner and surfing channels when I came across Recreating Eden, one of my all time favourite shows. Listening to the narrator introduce the focus of the show I dropped the spatula and scurried to the living room where I sat and listened. The interviewee was Marjorie Harris, an authority of gardening in Canada.
I was captivated with Marjorie’s words. Thinking to myself she gets it ! She really gets it ! Gardening is tending and nurturing plants but it is creative as well, yessssssssssss. I felt as if my garden designs had been validated. I am a creator! What a breath of fresh air she was in that interview.
Performing a quick search I found her web site, fired off a quick email thanking her for being her. A few hours later I was stunned that Marjorie had replied. Wow, here’s a woman who is inundated with work and she took the time to respond. That really, how should I say, blew me away.
We corresponded for months and she told me about her latest book project of thrifty gardening and I thought do I have some suggestions for you! So I picked me brain and explained in great detail of what I’ve done over the years to make mine that special place, my own Eden.
I won’t explain them all but if you look on page 211 at Summer Sails and wonder what do they look like here is a photo……
I recommend her book Thrifty Gardening to anyone tending to a present garden or those pondering what ever shall I do to turn this derelict corner into a place of enjoyment. The wealth of knowledge amazes me and even I’ve learned a few things. ;)
P.S. Being rather thrilled with my contributions they are also found on other pages. Thank you Marjorie for spreading the dirt on thrifty gardening.