Thursday, December 24, 2015

Full moon of Christmas

The full moon of Christmas shines this night
illuminating the landscape in bright light,
she radiates accompanied by her celestial flock
that share in her bounty of brilliance by clasping
onto her rays to soften their edges.

I sit and watch while a jet flies under her,
its trail more prevalent under her watch
and think of the travellers wrapped in the metal shell
rushing home to be with family and friends
luggage overloaded with their own wrapped gifts.

In the background sacred Christmas carols sing
lulling me into a sense of melancholy, with visions of a chapel
and choir lite by candles under bower of boughs and berries,
my senses wake when church bells begins to ring
brightening my eyes and spirit while I sing the chorus

Oh, the rising of the sun,
The running of the deer.
The playing of the merry organ,
Sweet singing in the quire.”

A very Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noel

Saturday, December 19, 2015

First Snow of Winter - Haiku

first snow of winter
paints landscape in hues of white,
night illuminates