Friday, May 31, 2019


There are no forget-me-nots in the garden this year,
perhaps a sign of one who was loved beyond life
has now forgotten his love, after a wordless year.

Friday, May 10, 2019

May Day

May, tis such a succint
yet beautiful sounding word
rolling over the tongue
while we gaze upwards
in happiness of the blue skies;
while we gaze over the landscape
smothering in the greenery
as life breathes once again
on this spring May day. .

Thursday, May 02, 2019

springs unfurling - haiku

winters skin begins
its shed under springs warm sun
fronds slowly unfurl

April was a difficult month with horrid cold and ice and snow.  It left me standing with face pressed upon the patio door sighing.  May has arrived, winning old mans winter prolonged battle to remain, and finally there is relief; a relief of life renewed.