Friday, December 20, 2019

Winter Light - Haiku

after the blizzard
sun beams create snow prizms,
beauty from the storm

north wind blows upon
branches laden with crystals,
music to my soul

light in the forest
filtered through undergrowth,

Friday, December 13, 2019

Winters loss

While this year winds up I'm making time to reflect on those loved plants that were lost this past spring. Winter was hard, ice storm after ice storm that created layers of ice, some as 8” thick. Unfortunately, the shallow rooted plants did not survive. Most of those were plants I had cherished for years.

It wasn't until late spring that I realized the loss of Turtleheads, a beloved plant rescused from a derelict heritage property decades ago; Meadow-rue, an etheral plant with blossoms so delicate in star formation; the Toad Lilies I adored for their orchid blooms in autumn when the garden was waning; and not the least, Lenten Roses. Each plant had succumbed to the ice.

The herbacious shrub Auria, while prolific, was a slug for water. In our dry summers, it did not perform well. I was disappointed but not surprised, though I did miss those lemon hued leaves amongst the deep green of ostrich ferns.

Next spring the plan is to lay seeping hoses as soon as the frost evaporates. Each and every grouping will be wrapped so the loss will be less. It will be easier to accomplish as I will have time. Lack of time this year when everything in my life suffered may be recorded in another posting.

I've composted and up-heeled the newbies in the garden; refused to wrap the confirerous as if they don't make it here in this climate they won't make it anywhere; long passed pots of mums lay in repreive among the yews; and green thumbs are crossed.