first flakes of snow
cling to leaves of red
tis a warning
of winter soon to arrive,
for now I smile at the colours
the colours of life,
then soon sadness will descent
when colours fade into death
first flakes of snow
cling to leaves of red
tis a warning
of winter soon to arrive,
for now I smile at the colours
the colours of life,
then soon sadness will descent
when colours fade into death
I relish in their lights
this night of chill.
Oliver Schroer is reverberating
through my home
capturing the wonderment
of celestial life.
I miss our missives,
as I do so many lost friends
but the chorus of his violin
from an ancient sanctuary
provides me solace...
Shall we dance
you and I.
I see your
sideways glances
when we pass.
With lowered eyes,
are you reflecting
when we share
thoughts of life;
are you reflecting
on what could be
a peaceful life;
are you reflecting
on the now, the future,
our lives together.
You’ve made
your intentions known
and yet I waver,
are they for me
or an excuse
validating your
leaving someone else
for reasons known
only to yourself.
Shall we dance
you and I,
Shall we dance...