The three most dreaded words to a northern gardener this time of year are SEVERE FROST WARNING. Yikes! I do admit I’m pushing the limit keeping planters outside however the plants are blooming profusely this time of year. I want to coddle them, keep them safe and warm but I know the inevitable. And so it must end but not without one last fight!
Scurrying I remove the fuchsias from the pergola and bring them inside laying the three pots down on an old sheet I’ve spread out on the den floor leaving a path just wide enough to get to the pooter. Next are the two hanging begonias. The one on the veranda has withered a tad from the north wind but blooms are still graceful. The other one, this gorgeous Bonfire Begonia is huge! She measures a good 4’ around and at least 5’ in length with her tendrils still covered in blooms. This will take extra gentleness to bring her in without loss of limb. Tis best to place them on chairs where their tendrils will hang much like Rapunzels’ locks.
Now mustn’t forget the veranda planters so full of ever blooming, red wax begonias. I don’t want to lose them either because of their colour. Note to self: do not water planters before the possibility of moving since the weight of each planter has increased 300%. No wonder my shoulders are sore this night. Four 6’ planters now carried in and sitting safe in the back hall.
The square planters filled with beautiful begonias, coleus and gartenmeister fuchsias are left to last being the heaviest. These fuchsias are the Candy Cane variety and are red, white and green striped. Hhhmmm, I wonder if I can repot and over winter because they would look gorgeous during the Silly Season. Full of rain soaked soil, I lug and tug, push and pull these into the house. My living room is now filled with chilled planters. This makes me ponder what creatures will wake in the warmth of the house and say “hey, nice home, don’t mind if we stay the winter do you”. I can only imagine…