Friday, March 11, 2011

Orchid of The Night

Orchid of the night
Illuminates the darkness
With her quiet pallet

I spied this beauty sitting alone on a rack. Well not quite alone but sitting amongst the pinks, reds and purples of her family. Her serene beauty stood out from the clash of vibrancy surrounding her. The softest hues of celery green with a dash of smokey rose and crème on her lower petals made me stop and sigh. There was no discussion and so she came home with me.

Officially she belongs to the Phalaenopsis family or Moth Orchid. When I look at her I see a Luna Moth, so soft and gentle with luminescent wings. The particular clan is unknown but that’s fine by me because she has joined my clan and is adored sitting in my nest brightening the day as well as the night with her glow.


  1. A lovely haiku, and a beautiful plant.

  2. Welcome to The Pond Paul, and thank you. She's a special one :)

  3. such a fitting haiku fo such a beatiful flower! The genle power o nature so aptly captured in your words!


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