Saturday, August 06, 2011

Waning Summer - Haiku

Hot suffocating wind
smothers foliages true colours
leaving crisp brunt stems

High ear piercing drones
tree frogs tell the temperature
on this sultry night

Sun lowers herself
creating shadows thru leaves
bowing in this drought

Breeze blown crickets songs
lull the listener into sleep
while blankets are tossed

Hummers drink heartedly
fortifying for their journey
to warmer climates

Squirrels run along roofs
walnuts overfill their mouths
food for months ahead

Snowball hydrangeas
faint lacking life giving moisture
dried blossoms fill vases

Chilled Chardonnay warms
quickly this late summers eve
ice bucket empties…..


  1. Sppppeeeeddddy, I'm happy you doooooo :)

  2. Very nice... also love the pics you include with each of your postings. You've made my day restful.

  3. love it,
    your blog setting is like a garden, poetry talent of you is refreshing all around,

    big smiles.

  4. invite you to share a Haiku or a poem of your choice to poets rally week 51 today.

    a free verse or a haiku is welcome.

    keep up the excellence!

  5. Thank you for the invite, and your kind words. I shall check it out :)


Don't be shy. I know you've popped by :)