Friday, October 21, 2016

Home at the end of the lane

Home at the end of the lane it was to them,
a one room log house with hearth
where bread was baked, milk was warmed
and meat was cooked to feed the family of four.

Centuries later their home was moved
to where adventurers may spend the night,
baking bread, warming milk and cooking meat
to feed their family of four and more.

This log house was the original homestead of the Conlin family. It was donated to the town when their homestead was re-created into the Conlin Farm. A site of baseball, volleyball, and soccer fields; and tennis courts.

Unfortunately the log house has never been truly recognised in the settlement of Perth and so it sadly sits at the end of lane in another park gathering dust and critters and the odd adventurer.  


  1. Oh I feel sad that it hasn't been taken care of...

  2. It tis. Such a waste when it could have been restored properly.


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