Friday, December 04, 2020

Decembers Arrival

December has arrived,

the month of blinding white

and colourful lights,

heralding the silly season.

After the first snow fall

rain began turning the landscape

to a dirt brown,

reflecting the sky in its dreariness.

Though there is hope

with neighbours dressing their trees,

stringing multicoloured lights

the old kind, huge incandescent bulbs.

My planters are stuffed with boughs

of pine, spruce, cedar, and hemlock

grown in local fields,

their green brilliance remains.

Sprigs of red berries, red Dogwood,

and golden balls and pine-cones

intertwined with dried floral garland ,

full fill the arrangements.

Even though it may be a long winter,

and while we need colour, we also need life,

thus the planters will see me through

them being a harbinger of spring.

1 comment:

Don't be shy. I know you've popped by :)