Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Full Sturgeon Moon


It has been two days with clear air and skies,

and such a wonderful feeling to awake with

coolness in the home provided with draperies

of tea-dyed linens and silken sari’s capturing

refreshing air and blowing it through rooms,

with windows wide open. Tis such welcoming air.

With this cool air work in the garden has

begun again. I’ve missed my garden and

felt I was neglecting it. In a way I was but

myself was priority. If I couldn’t, then who would?

Weeding is almost done, which reminds me

the only plants to grow in high heat and humidity

are the feckin’ weeds that seem to thrive in it.

Bags and bags are off to the local compost depot.

Good riddance and begone for I don’t want them

in my own garden after sprouting seeds next spring.

There is always a change in elements on the full moon

and tonight is one of two this month. O joy.

Tonight it rises in a clear sky and watchers such as I

will be eyeing the beauty of the Full Sturgeon Moon.


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