Saturday, April 18, 2009

O gentle rain

O gentle rain
soak my earth,
allow my roots
to drink of thee
growing plump and strong.

O gentle rain
soak my leaves,
wash off Winter
to unleash these leaves
binding my strength.

O gentle rain
soak my buds,
aid my vibrancy
to enlighten the landscape
bringing life where there is none.

O gentle rain
soak myself,
rid me of silence
to breathe the air
refreshing these stale lungs.


  1. This is really evocative and beautiful..perfect for spring...

  2. Hi Cheryl, what a delight! It brings sweet simplicity to the changing seasons and the welcome rain. I echo the thought across the miles.:-)

  3. Thank you Michelle and Frances, the first warm Spring rain is one of those events we welcome with arms wide open........... Cheryl


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