Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ode To A Rusty Screw

I neglected you over the years,
yes, I shamefully admit it
and express sadness over doing so.

You held fast, damn fast,
never wavering or weakening,
always holding strong during storms.

However, you must understand
there comes a time in a relationship
when one partner must let go.

Twas so hard but a decision
I had to make after all these years
and your time had come.

Why do you make this so difficult
fighting me with every twist,
with every turn this heart beats faster.

My arms ache from the strain
wrists are swollen, veins popping
as I ponder where is Tai Bo when I need him.

Must I enlist one known as WD40
for you resist my gentleness
which mean you no harm.

I vow you will never be tossed aside
your place of honour is waiting
safe from the elements.

Relax, rest your battle is over
O Rusty Screw, tis time
to retire a tad rusty but ever so trusty.


  1. I had to laugh at the 4D40 as it is the fix-all around our house..That and duct tape..I am trying to write poetry and I never had before...I may sneak it into my blog...

  2. Both are life savers mind you I prefer the transparent duct tape as it goes with everything :D O Michelle I know you can write so give it a go, paint your awesome photos with words :) Cheryl

  3. Ponderer,

    Lovely poetry and photos!

    I enjoy your ponderings; they are multilayered and both humourous and serious.

  4. Welcome to The Pond Jenny, thanks so much :) Cheryl


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