Friday, April 03, 2015

Spring - Haiga

sun warms earth
providing the push
life begins 

I am thrilled that I found life in the garden today.  My heart couldn't be warmer and my smile larger. Life renewed once again.     :)


  1. Yes me too and with some snow moving in, I hope they will be ok... Michelle

    1. I was soooooo smug on Friday and now Monday it's been snowing all day. Ugghhhhh

  2. This warm weather is so wonderful after such a long winter. I spotted snowdrops on the weekend.
    Thanks for leaving such a nice comments on the Fergus garden and Jacquie's garden. Fergus and Elora are two of my favourite towns. I'd move there in a heartbeat if I could. It would be wonderful to sit on a summer evening and look out over the Grand River.

    1. It's about time Jennifer, we've waited sooooooo long for this and now the earth is showing her beauty.
      You're very welcome for the comments. Those gardens were spectacular, especially the river running through. I'll meet you there for a cup of tea to daydream :)


Don't be shy. I know you've popped by :)