Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Ode to The Seedling

Last Winter
as the winds danced
you took wings
waltzing with snowflakes.

I watched you
take root
grounding yourself
in cracked asphalt.

You settled,
burrowing til
warm Spring rain
gave you strength.

Ever careful
I parked close
for your protection
yet giving you space.

Last Summer
your tenacity was
as brilliant as
your coat of green.

Gently I raked
leaves from you
never wanting
to harm your youth.

Now shriveled,
purple and grey
from the cold of Winter
you stand alone.

This Spring
I shall dig you out
pamper you, revive you
to thrive unhindered.


  1. Nice, what a lovely way to pay homage to a wayward plant.

  2. Thank you Eric, tis a wee Cedar growing and has amazed me with its will to live, Cheryl

  3. This is a delightful poem. It’s so lovely to read your consideration and regard for the natural world. And, I think the first stanza is absolutely beautiful (the imagery/the texture/the tone).

    Last Winter
    as the winds danced
    you took wings
    waltzing with snowflakes.

  4. Stirring imagery. I loved it. :)

  5. Hi Cheryl, oh that was wonderful. I was just looking at the plants that have seeded in the street here and admired their tenacity too! My eexperience has been that I cannot get them out without breaking the root, so I just let them be. May you be able to wriggle yours out to be planted safely in the garden!

  6. This Spring
    I shall dig you out
    pamper you, revive you
    to thrive unhindered.

    and enjoy your life through the years

  7. My skin is goosey with this poem Cheryl. How lovely it is. I think I love that small plant as much as you do!
    June in Oz

  8. Cath, that is such a compliment coming from you :)

    Brajaaa, doncha love challenges !

    Rogue, merci dere hey :O

    Frances, you would definitely know how hard it is though currently it's under a foot of freshly fallen white shite which may protect it just a bit :)

    Robert ! a beautiful finish, thank youuuuuu

    June, thank you so much, I'll try and take a photo of the wee seedling


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