Monday, September 30, 2024


A few years past a pair of Merlins decided to make my neighbourhood their home. At the time they were uncommon in this town. I believe a reason for their settlement was the bountiful birds residing over winter. It was a feast for them, especially the plump Mourning Doves that overran every ones bird feeders.

Merlins are small Falcons, fierce when chasing prey, but o so elegant at rest on a fence or a tall tree limb; even soaring on wind currents. They soon became a species I was scanning the sky for sight of them and to hear their screeching cries when on the hunt. They are a beautiful rarity in my town.

This year I was thrilled to find them take residence in the wild wood of my summer home in the centre of my town. Soon after discovering the parents had nested, I saw their babes had hatched and was privileged to watch the four young ones become adults. One at a time they would leave the nest escorted by their parents to learn how to find food. They soared and swept the property clearing the gardens of mole and mouse.

During this summer I continued to seek them if only to hear their cry and was never disappointed. They are still on site, for now, but I won’t forget how regal they looked perched on high while waiting their opportunity to take flight with their parents.

Of course the photo was taken just after Babe 1 had left the nest. Its three other siblings were left waiting. Timing is everything. ~sigh~


Sunday, September 29, 2024

anemone - haiku

anemone blooms

stretching towards Autumns sun,

her whiteness spreads light

Date at the Pond


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hoover returns

It amazes me how wildlife recognizes humans, even by name.

Two years past a sweet chipmunk moved into my garden. She was long in body with a very pointy face. She also cleared out the bird feeder in minutes. Hence the name of Hoover.

That year she disappeared for a month later returning with four babies. That was a year!

She returned last year minus the babes and her stay was here and there.

This year a wee one took residence and while it dined on sunflower seeds it scurried off when I appeared.

I resigned myself to Hoovers absence due to nature taking its course or the neighbours feckin’ cats catching her.

An August day I was on the patio and heard a familiar thump. Turning to watch the cushion box there was recognizable snoot peering out looking up at me. I had always sowed seed near it so she had a quick escape.

Hoover? Is that you?” I whispered. No sooner had I spoke her name, she was out and ran over to me. I felt overwhelmed with the magic of the moment. I’m sure she said in chipmunk language, “Human! Is this you my favourite of all humans?!?”

Ever since when I see her either scurrying about on the patio, bouncing along the pergola or climbing the old walnut tree I whistle, call her name and she runs to greet me. Of course there is always a special fill of seed waiting for her.

One of these years she won’t greet me and that’s OK. At least I’ve had the enjoyment of her company, where she felt safe and I was her care taker.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Hummer and Red

It was late afternoon when Hummer arrived at her feeder. This lovely young Hummingbird had spent most of the summer in my garden, thriving on nectar from Hosta and Monarda blossoms. I switched up the feeder to give her an extra boost for her journey south.

Upon arrival she became anxious as the Red Squirrel had also arrived at the bird squirrel feeder which was too near to hers.

She hovered at hers, watching his antics with side-eye. That girl was curious! She spent minutes hovering 8 – 10 “ from his face no matter his position at the feeder.

He finally gave up and landed on the Walnut tree. That was not far enough for Hummer. She chased him around the tree trunk, up and down, and sideways. Always hovering and staring at him. He finally said to himself I’m outta here and scurried up the tree and into the hedge.

Dear Hummer returned to her feeder and drank until she was full then flew off. I couldn’t help but think way to go girl! You stood your ground and showed him who was boss. How interesting it was to witness this exchange.

Next year I’ll place feeders further apart, just so there isn’t a rumble in my jungle. :)