Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mister G. Toadie - Haiku

Mister G. Toadie
emerges from the garden,
belly needs a rub

Mister G. Toadie
emerges from the garden,
cranky isn't the word

Mister G. Toadie
emerges from the garden,
latest camouflage

This fellow has taken up residency in my garden. Bully for him! Mind you I'm a tad ticked because he was no where to be found when the slug invasion took place. Boooooo for him!
Mr. Toadie seems to come and go as he pleases and in a way that pleases me, though I wish he would clean up the garden before gallivanting about.    


  1. Replies
    1. He certainly is a beauty Michelle and keeps growing and growing.


Don't be shy. I know you've popped by :)