Sunday, January 22, 2023


Snow, white shite, white freckles,

falls this night, silently, effortless

wrapping branches in its whiteness.

As I type the landscape has

become a winter wonderland

in its beauty of softness and purity.

Morning will find me brushing off shovels

after I follow the bunnie prints to its warren,

shrubs have already been nipped so it is near.

In the present Hip Hop resonates

with the drone of jets overhead flying

to Europe as I sigh “take me with you”.

Would I give up winter for warmer climes?

Nah, no way. I’m a child of seasons

needing to savour the joys of each one.

The renewal of life that spring brings,

warmth and blooms of a summer garden,

and Mother Natures autumnal colours.

I’m good :)

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