Thursday, April 20, 2023

Being politically correct


I was not, or am, nor ever will be politically correct,

it is not my nature to bobby-head in agreement

when my mind and heart disagrees, it is not me

and never will be when I know better.

My experience, knowledge and dedication

to whichever volunteer organization I join

is with out question until the nattering begins,

that’s when I know it is time to bid adieu.

Why is it so difficult to volunteer in this town?

I chose three organizations, all I’m experienced with,

unfortunately two didn’t appreciate the “new kid”

as their minds and ways were decided 30 years ago.

The third, I was well received and truly enjoyed

participating as we were working for a common cause.

Until today, and now I am upset, struggling, pizzed off, 

and ready to say goodbye to all...

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